Acupuncture, cupping & electro-acupuncture

116 Elderslie Street Glasgow, G3 7AW

How to find Paula at Elevate
How to Find Paula at her new clinic: Elevate Updated: Jun 22   Here you will find directions on how to find the clinic – Elevate: Health and - Well-Being – at my new location 116 Elderslie Street, Glasgow, G3 7AW.   Once you are in the building..   Once through that door you will be […]
The Science Behind Acupuncture: How Does This Ancient Practice Work in Modern Times?
Acupuncture, a cornerstone of Traditional East Asian & Chinese Medicine (TEACM), has been practiced for millennia. Its thin needles, strategically inserted at specific points on the body, have been used to treat a wide range of ailments, from chronic pain to anxiety. But how does this ancient practice translate into the world of modern science? […]

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